The University of Missouri School of Journalism signature.
A yellow outline drawing of a graduation cap.

This grad plan quiz will give you an estimate on how close you are to graduating. This is not 100% accurate and always double check with your advisor.

If you score 1-10, you still got a lot of classes to take before you graduate. 11-20 means you are getting there! Keep plugging away and keep track of which classes you still need to take! 21-22 means you are basically graduated! Take those last classes and get that degree.

Have you taken all of the year one classes? (J1100, J1200, 1300, 1400)

Have you satisfied the foreign language requirement (up to level 3 of one language)

Have you taken English 1000

Have you taken a math or quantitative reasoning course?

How about History 1100 or 1200? It doesn't matter which one.

Have you taken any humanities (3 credits)? This does not count for any of the upper areas.

Have you taken two non-lab sciences for a total of at least 6 credits?

Have you taken a Behavioral Science (3 credits)? This does not count for any of the upper areas.

Have you taken a Lab Science (at least 3 credits)? This does not count for any of the upper areas.

To meet the economics requirement, you must have taken either Econ1000 for 5 credits or Econ 1014 AND 1015 for a combined 6 credits.

Have you taken Policial Science 1100?

Have you taken all of the year two classes? (J2200, J4160, J4180)

Have you taken J3000 or J4568W? You do not need both.

Have you taken J4000?

You need to take two career path courses for the same direction. Have you taken them?

You need 15 credits of other journalism classes.

Have you taken a 3 credit course that fits into Area One for non-journalism classes?

Have you taken at least 6 credits for Area Two for non-journalism classes?

Have you taken at least 6 credits for Area Three for non-journalism classes?

Do you have 10 more credits of non-journalism classes for Area 4?

Finally, have you taken or signed up for your capstone course?

If you have another major or minor, make sure you check with their requirements as well!